Amrit Shanmuga Sundara Raja

About the Author

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Amrit Shanmuga Sundara Raja on LinkedIn

A headshot of Amrit Shanmuga Sundara Raja.

Amrit Shanmuga Sundara Raja's bio

Meet Amrit Shanmuga Sundara Raja! By day, he’s a full-time corporate communications student at Centennial College. At night, he’s a music explorer who likes to discover new music across genres and languages. His current favourite genre? Indian folk and fusion.

Amrit is very enthusiastic about enhancing his communication skills and embracing new learning possibilities. If you want to see some of his accomplishments, you can pay a visit to his LinkedIn profile, where he shares all about it.

As a newcomer to Toronto, he likes to spend his free time discovering hidden gems and interesting spots around the city.

Amrit has a dachshund back home in India whom he misses a lot, and his favourite movie is The Pursuit of Happyness.

As per his go-to drink, he prefers a nice hot cup of ginger tea!

Articles by Amrit Shanmuga Sundara Raja

Two people in white shirts holding a clipboard with the word volunteer written on it.

Sponsorship Acquisition for Non-Profit Events: A Strategic Roadmap

Securing sponsorship is nothing less than the lifeline of a successful non-profit event. This is because it not only transforms an event into an exceptional communication mechanism but also provides……

Sponsorship Acquisition for Non-Profit Events: A Strategic Roadmap Read Article
On a dark teal background sit coloured letter blocks. In red, the blocks read. 'Build Your' and in yellow blocks, it reads, 'Brand.'

What is Brand Recall Value and Why Does It Matter

Which brand comes to mind when I say “coffee”? Tim Hortons? Or Starbucks? Either way, you are reminded of a brand because it stays in your mind. Brand recall is……

What is Brand Recall Value and Why Does It Matter Read Article
A folded newspaper sits partially on an open black laptop.

What is pitch slapping?

Picture this: You attend a networking event and find someone who will be a great person to connect with. You let down your guard and start a conversation with them,……

What is pitch slapping? Read Article
Someone holds up their smartphone showing that they're looking a news article, but there's a red stamp-like icon over the news that reads, "Fake."

How to Debunk Fake News

Fake news has always been part of a broader mis- and disinformation spectrum. Simply put, it is news stories that are fabricated or do not have any source or quotes……

How to Debunk Fake News Read Article
Two business people shaking hands in front of other people, as the one on the right passes her business card over to the person on the left.

Networking From an Introvert’s Perspective

Imagine this – you enter a cozy pub in downtown Toronto for a networking event, hoping to meet new people, but there is something that scares you- the need to……

Networking From an Introvert’s Perspective Read Article