Public Relations

How Public Relations Reflects Social Behaviours: History and Evolution

By Karuna Dhoundiyal on August 5, 2024

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A close-up of a doodle that someone's working on that shows everything involved with public relations, like radio and TV, events, feedback, reputation, trust, information, communication and social media.

Have you ever thought about how you look at a person, brand, or organization is not solely your viewpoint but a collection of ideas influenced by many factors? Whether it is the trending song, a Netflix series, a perfume that you are obsessed with, or your favourite TV personality, everything and everyone has a way of creating an impact on your mind, which often is a result of their PR strategies. In today’s date, a PR campaign’s success largely impacts the growth in business numbers. However, the industry has often been criticized and considered as modern day propaganda, which often makes us wonder if Public Relations really is a modern term or is deeply rooted in ancient societies. Moreover, does the industry hold the burden of impacting society, or does it reflect the changing social behaviours and times? 

As the name suggests, public relations is centred around the public, and as people’s behaviour and habits change, ways and modes to reach out to the target audience also mould its shape and size. Like any other industry, PR also has a long history linked with the evolution of social behaviours and changes. Not many know of the interesting ways in which ancient messengers used to communicate with people without giving it any definition. From using manuscripts to spread messages, producing sophisticated rhetoric to persuade, using public speeches to gain support, to fully utilizing strategic communication, the industry has evolved along with society. 

Old is Gold

Even before the term ‘Public Relations’ was invented, it had its essence in many forms of public influence and communications management. Many scholars, like James E. Grunig and Scott Cutlip, trace it back to ancient civilizations from different parts of the world. According to Edward Bernays, one of the founders of public relations, “The three main elements of public relations are practically as old as society: informing people, persuading people, or integrating people with people.”

Additionally, historical events, such as a clay tablet from ancient Iraq promoting better agricultural techniques, demonstrate the early usage of public relations. In ancient Greece, the art of rhetoric was highly developed, with sophists using persuasive communication.

In Rome, Julius Caesar employed early PR tactics through his campaign biography and commissioned works to bolster his political standing. These are some examples from many such historical precedents that highlight the long-standing role of PR in shaping people’s perceptions and managing societal influence.

The Birth of PR

Most data and textbooks highlight the making of the “Publicity Bureau” in 1900 as the start of the modern PR profession. In Britain, Basil Clarke is considered the founder of the PR profession, who established Editorial Services in 1924. However, it became a profession in the 1920s when PR activists transitioned into the private sector, leading to the establishment of the occupation in the U.S. by pioneers like Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays before it spread internationally. Later on, after World War II, American companies started to have their PR departments expand into Europe, promoting the practice as part of the Marshall Plan. The latter half of the twentieth century was marked by the professional development of PR, with the formation of trade associations, PR news magazines, international PR agencies, and the establishment of academic principles.

Modern Day PR

In the early 2000s, press release services began offering social media press releases, which was the stepping stone of the revolution of PR. The Cluetrain Manifesto, which predicted the impact of social media in 1999, was controversial in its time, but by 2006, the effect of social media and internet technologies became largely accepted. The industry today has completely changed the way it was done in the beginning. It is now more focused on the digital era and the fact that communication is changing. The principles of public relations are what companies are running on: informing, persuading and integrating people. The way they use these principles is thicker and manifold.

Public relations professionals in the digital age have revolutionized the ways they reach their clients, avert crises, and track developments. By accepting new technologies, data-driven approaches, and ethical practices, PR is effectively navigating the challenges and opportunities of today’s communication landscape.

Social Behaviour and The Industry

PR’s connection with society is similar to Art’s i.e. “Art depicts society, society depicts art”. On one hand, the industry plays a crucial role in shaping and reflecting social behaviour; on the contrary, it also shapes its presence according to what people want. Undoubtedly, PR professionals influence public perception and societal norms through carefully crafted messages, campaigns, and media engagement to reach the business goals, however, it is key to note that only such campaigns work that aligns with the trends, social values, and people’s interest. With ever-changing social behaviours due to tech advancements, digital freedom, and environmental changes, walking hand-in-hand with the trends is not an easy job for industries like marketing and PR.

They have their own fair share of challenges. From maintaining authenticity and navigating ethical issues to managing crowded spaces of viewpoints, the industry has been challenged with finding the right balance. Amid all the hassle, the positive side of it mostly gets folded in layers of judgment and misconceptions. We tend to forget that the industry serves as a bridge between organizations and the public, facilitating communication that shapes and is shaped by social behaviour.

The Impact on Society

Public relations is critical in shaping public opinion by employing a variety of strategies to affect how people perceive individuals, organizations, and topics. This can spark good change, motivate action, and have a significant impact on society. PR professionals, through the campaigns, also create awareness about key topics and causes, stirring required conversations and change. It is vital to note that with time. PR has become more dynamic and promotes trust, openness, and transparent communication through honest messaging and establishing direct connections between brands and audiences, which are critical for a healthy relationship between the public and institutions.

All of that to say

Public relations play an important role in moulding public perception, encouraging positive change, and fostering healthy connections among individuals, organizations, and society. While there are some challenges to overcome, the advantages and impact of public relations on society are undeniable. If we trace history, it clearly indicates how messaging has played a vital role during some major events in history.

As we go forward into an increasingly interconnected and digital world, the job of public relations will become even more vital, and the demand for experienced people in this industry will increase.

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